Rant On — Lovely Writer

5 min readJun 14, 2021


Happy Pride Month!

I’m not a huge fan of BLs like I’m of thrillers, but some suggestions from my close friends made me want to try out Lovely Writer. I didn’t have many expectations initially, was trying to figure out why everyone loved it so much, and then bam! It became my favorite BL till now (I’ve only watched like 5 of them).

It was so different from the usual ones, didn’t only focus on attraction and love but gave us some beautiful realizations! I highlighted the scenarios shown here and shared my take on them. So if you don’t agree, it’s okay :)

Spoiler Alert!!

Forcing someone to kiss you or forcefully kissing someone, making the other person feel uncomfortable while you try to force your feelings on them is actually sexual harassment! The drama industry has shown such scenes too many times and we viewers forget them thinking it’s for building the chemistry. But if we think about them in reality, it’s actually so wrong! Love has to happen normally, that chemistry, those feelings can’t be forced.

BL dramas include lots of hot and steamy scenes, in order to attract more audiences. Most of the BLs are romance-oriented, the writers see that audiences love such cheesy plots with kisses and semi-nude scenes, so they keep them to make the drama popular. Well although I totally don’t agree that this is just a problem with BLs, such things happen in other dramas too, but since Rom-com BLs are becoming much popular these days, seeing this issue to be highlighted felt right. As the audience lookout for shipping the leads every time, the scriptwriters and directors also don’t put much thought or depth into the storyline.

Telling the story is a writer’s main work. They put their heart and soul into developing a plot, developing the characters, bringing them alive, and knitting the story properly. Now writing a story and selling a book are two separate things totally. This is where many writers and publishers have a conflict of interest. In the drama, it’s shown that Gene and Bua had two separate thought processes.

He wanted to sell his story, make his readers connect with the characters, and ensure that the book gets genuine fans who loved the storyline. Whereas Bua wanted to sell more copies of the book by enticing the readers with intimate and sex scenes. Although she used to review the story for Gene, in the end, her suggestion would always be to add more NC scenes. My question is if that’s the main objective in publishing a book, why even ask a talented writer to brainstorm and make the story? Intimate scenes can even be written by someone who has experienced those stuff in real life as well.

The drama pointed out another topic, which was insecurity and jealousy while watching your partner romancing someone else. This question has been on my mind forever, how can people tolerate their partners romancing others onscreen? Don’t they get jealous and uncomfortable? In the drama, they showed Gene being uncomfortable while watching Sib and Aeoy doing intimate scenes, and so that no one sees his reaction, he just leaves the place. I felt that’s quite a genuine reaction.

No matter how much trust and loyalty is there, I always feel it’s difficult for the partners too. One has to do them cause of their profession and the other can’t help but deal with it. This is why I never wanted to date or marry any actor (not that I met anyone of them in real life :p). Dreaming is fine, but dealing with all of this will for sure make me uncomfortable.

The biggest issue portrayed in the drama was about crazy fans, which is so common in every entertainment industry. A fanbase can make or break not only an actor’s career but also their personal relationships. Why can’t these people behave a little maturely and stop hurting the celebs? Yes, they do entertain you, but that doesn’t mean you own them or they owe you anything. Yeah, you can call them your bf, husband, Oppa, and whatnot but don’t expect them to think of you in the same way.

They have a life outside their work (acting), just like you have a life outside school/university or work. It was so heartbreaking to see how the fans got all pissed off when Gene and Sib became a thing, cause all they wanted was Aeoy and Sib. Man, come out of the drama zone already. You can go ahead and ship them as a couple all you want, but don’t trash talk about their personal life, please.


So that’s the end of my rant on Lovely Writer! Anyone who’s not a regular of BLs but wants to try something, check it out. It will smoothly make you like the genre 🤭. I don’t know how I became a promoter of this one…Gene-Sib effect I guess.

Thanks for reading!




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