A Piece of Your Mind

5 min readJun 14, 2021


Hope everyone is doing well in this community!


APOYM has been one of those dramas which are bound to have mixed reviews. Although it’s a melodrama around romantic relationships, the scenarios and dialogues exchanged here need a little patience and depth to be understood. It’s slow and depressing at times, but despite all of this it made it to my favorites list. The OST lifts up your mood just like few characters in there.

Dialogues in the dramas really help the audiences to understand the characters better and get a dive into what’s in their mind. So, today I’ll be talking about few special dialogues from APOYM and try to explain my take on that.


This was said by Ha Won to Seo Woo when they were conversing about using Ji Soo’s memories for the app. The line had such an in-depth meaning, and the weirdest part was I never thought it like that. In the end, it’s all about keeping memories, some people like to imagine, some like to hear words/voices more. Both ways you can picture the moment in your mind, and cherish it. This scene was a few of the first ones where it showed how similar Seo Woo and Ha Won were.

These were Seo Woo’s thoughts when she watched Ha Won from afar while Ji Soo was running away from him. There are times in life when you see strangers on the road, or on TVs and feel connected to them all of a sudden. You don’t judge the person, don’t try to know about their past, but what’s right in front of you makes that connection. It was the same for Seo Woo, she saw Ha Won desperately trying to meet his love after gathering so much courage, but when Ji Soo ignored him and ran away, it broke her heart. She felt the pain he was feeling, although his face wasn’t shown. The way he stood there said it all.

When Ha Won and Seo Woo talk about one-sided love, she shows her frustration with couples who measure love. How people try to prove to each other that their love for the other is more and try to connect it with materialistic things. But to Seo Woo’s surprise, Ha Won was not like that. Even though he didn’t meet Ji Soo for 10years, his love was intact. So the fact that she passed away also didn’t make him stop loving her. He wanted to cherish and remember her, everything about her. He never wanted Ji Soo for herself, he respected her decision of leaving him and getting married. He just wanted to keep loving her from far, Ha Won just wanted a small piece of her, that was enough to keep his love going.

This was the answer Ji Soo gave to Ha Won when he asked her if she loved the guy she was marrying. I’ve had this feeling, it’s when you like someone’s company and want to get to know him. At the same time, you get the feeling of growing to be a mature person who’s ready to take on more responsibilities. You don’t feel scared to grow and try out things, since you’ve someone whom you can trust and hold onto.

When Ji Soo passed away and Ha Won was still processing it, he kept on exploring places where she had gone to and tried to find the view from which she had taken pictures of her daily life. The thought behind it was unique, he wanted to understand how she felt while seeing the view, literally. He was trying to understand her point of view, the emotions she felt and the thoughts she had. Everyone has different ways of missing and cherishing people, this was Ha Won’s way!

This was Ha Won’s cry for help, he felt the most gullible and broken at this point in the drama. When in a relationship, there are things only the people in it know and understand. But when one leaves, that place becomes empty and no matter how much you are consoled by others, nothing fills it. In the end, you just get used to this emptiness and decide to give up on being lonely. But for Ha Won, he clung to those memories for such a long time that he made them a part of his daily life. He lived for Ji Soo, made her presence around him, so when finally even the tiny scope of meeting her vanished, he didn’t know how to react.

This was an intense scene between In Wook and Seo Woo when he was confronting her about Ji Soo’s device. In Wook had always been in pain ever since he shared the truth about Ha Won’s mom with Ji Soo. He thought it would be better after sharing, but nope, their relationship was practically over that day. Ji Soo was unable to forgive him and In Wook thought that’s because she still had feelings left for Ha Won. But the fact was that Ha Won was like a family to Ji Soo, and as she couldn’t share the truth about her husband’s mistake with anyone, that guilt killed her every day.

Through this scene, Seo Woo was trying to make him understand that he needs to forgive himself first in order to live a normal and peaceful life. Blaming Ji Soo for having feelings for Ha Won was not the right way to react. He needed to understand their bond and not makeup stories to reduce his guilt.

How was your experience of the drama?




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